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Training Catalog

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Effectively identify and support individuals exhibiting suicidal behavior using the proven Ask, Care, Escort (ACE) model. All experiences are based on a methodology evaluated by a panel of suicide prevention experts.Learn more

97% recommend training

7X impacts across measures increased

205% increase in preparedness

Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

Learn sexual assault reporting guidelines and practice proven communications skills to effectively support victims of sexual assault and intervene as a bystander to prevent sexual assault. Learn more

96% reported increased retention of key information

97% would recommend this training to their unit

7X chose “very engaging” responses compared to previous training

3X increase in "very prepared" responses

2.6X increase in "very confident" responses

Foundational Skills

Foundational Skills

Set clear boundaries, handle conflicts with grace, and build healthier connections with immersive training that aligns with proven pedagogical methods.Learn more

Corporate Leadership

Corporate Leadership

Develop and apply the principles of leadership through interactive voice-driven workplace conversations. Practice persuasive communication, conflict resolution, and collaboration with teammates with different values and world views.Learn more

97% recommend learning

85% confidence score

57% reduction in anxiety

Conversations in Healthcare

Conversations in Healthcare

Address the unique challenges faced by healthcare providers by practicing real-life conversations in a healthcare setting.Learn more

Language Immersion Training

Language Immersion Training

Practice French language skills in a variety of difficult conversations with partners in Africa. Learn to build and maintain rapport, manage difficult situations, and deescalate conflict while honing French comprehension and vocabulary.Learn more

86% recommend training

83% confidence score

Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety

Create a work environment where individuals feel safe to take risks and express their ideas without fear of negative consequences. Foster emotional intelligence, empathetic communication, and open-mindedness to build trust and support among team members.Learn more

Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness

Reinforce healthy habits using self-care, stress management, and burnout prevention strategies. Learn more

Moth+Flame VR Learning
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